Computer Science 1

Hello! Welcome to my webpage for GITA 1. This year, I'm learning
the coding language C#. I'm excited to have honed a new passion for
computer Science and to continue the IT pathway. Feel free to check out
any of my projects from this year!

Goodbye Program

Date: 8/25

This is my first project for gita! This software teaches you how to say farewell in several languages by the use of buttons.

About Page

Date: 9/4

We studied the fundamentals of C# and how to utilize Visual Studio in this assignment. This program's goal was to construct a backdrop page for a corporation we founded.

Mailing Label

Date: 9/7

In this project we learned to use textboxes to store user info and output them into a different format.


Date: 9/11

Using concatination, we were able to string messages together in this application. We create a madlib by combining text and user data!

Car Rental

Date: 9/19

In this application, we utilize textboxes to collect input and then do calculations based on that information to build a virtual automobile rental.

Body Mass Index

Date: 9/22

The user may determine their BMI by inputting their height and weight into this software. It can also keep statistics and averages.

Car Rental Upgrade

Date: 10/3

This is a more advanced version of car rental that includes new features such as radio buttons and checkboxes. This provides the buyer with more upgrading possibilities.

Test Scores

Date: 10/4

The user can enter two numerical test results into this application to determine which score is higher, the average, and the letter grade.

Dice Probabilities

Date: 10/10

We learnt how to create random integers to replicate two rolling dice in this application. It computes the total of the dice as well as the number of times a number is rolled and the chance of receiving that number.

Craps Game

Date: 10/18

This application is comparable to the dice game and vegas craps seen in casinos. It also employs message boxes to inform the player if they have won or lost.

Slot Machine

Date: 10/27

To replicate a slot machine, this application employs radio buttons and generates random integers. The user may place bets and enter credits in order to spin the wheel and win the big prize.

Taco Shop

Date: 11/9

This application applies what we've learned so far this year to create an online taco truck where customers can select the style of taco they want, compute the price, and keep track of the statistics.

Rock Paper Scissors

Date: 12/1

We taught how to play rock paper scissors online utilizing radio buttons and disguising the opponent's choices in this software. It also saves statistics.


Date: 12/6

In this program, we learnt how to utilize arrays to randomly arrange the character on the staircase, allowing it to travel up or down one at a time, and opening doors at the top and bottom.

2D Submarines

Date: 1/19

This application improved our understanding of arrays and taught us how to manipulate timers using radio buttons on the submarine and shark.


Date: 2/1

This software uses graphics and booleans to generate a two-player tic-tac-toe game.

Basic AI

Date: 2/16

This application taught us how to use arrow keys to move picture boxes around. We learnt how to make game pieces follow other pictures and allow our character to discharge missiles.


Date: 2/22

This program simulates shooting stars through the use of arrays and assigning random integers.

Fishing Simulator

Date: 3/5

This program places fish in random locations at the start, simulating them to move to the left, right, up, and down aiming to steer clear of the predator.

Number Array

Date: 3/8

Using our foundation of arrays, we created an integer array of numbers from a scale of 1 to 100. It outputs a random selection of numbers within that capacity and documents the highest, lowest, even, and odd numbers, as well as the total average.

Bees Simulator

Date: 3/21

This application introduced the concept of lists, in which we implemented them into a simulation of bees migrating from a hive to a flower.